Saturday, February 13, 2010

No Time For the Truth, 2008

Director: John Kani
From South Africa
Starring: John Kani; Rosie Motene; Motshabi Tyelele

sez says: what an insightful and well told story.  It tells about the need to expand the realm of  the process set in motion by South Africa's  'truth commission' / that is, the reconciliation process that South Africa has given the world as an example of  how we can and we must act if we are to find solutions to the world's problems.   White South Africans who had participated in the apartheid government and who has committed atrocities had to come forward and tell what they had done under the oppressive white regime.  It was only after telling the truth, so that the truth could be known, and could always be remembered, that they could receive amnesty for their acts.  Well, according to this story, there were truths that need  to be told by some of the struggle's heroes. ANC members also committed acts that harmed the people: sleeping with people's wives; accepting $ to live on that they did not earn and that others worked hard for and who then got no credit for their efforts; engaging in corrupt actions after taking the reins of leadership in the country;  or not returning to South Africa to help with the hard work of rebuilding the country but staying in their new homes where life was easier.  These, and other action too are things in need of truth telling and reconciliation.  Not a masterpiece but a good strong story well told and well worth seeing.  GRADE B-

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