Thursday, October 28, 2010

Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire, 2008 (Grade B+)

DIRECTOR LEE DANIELSAwards? nominated for lots of awards, Independent Spirit, BAFTA, Golden Globes Sundance and Academy Awards, Int Won many awards for best supporting actress (Mo'Nique).
CAST: Gabourey; Mo'Nique, Paula Patton, Mariah Carey, Lenny Kravitz, Sherry Shepherd, Nealla Gordon. Xosha Roquemore, Chyna Lane, ANgelic Zambrana, Stephanie Andujar, Amina Robinson, Nia Foster

sez says, this story provides a window on a world that most of us would like to never look into.  It is about a girl who is terribly abused by her family and the path she finds to get away from that life and hopefully to move into a new life.  It is horrific--and hopeful. The hope comes out of believing anyone can escape, even to a small degree, the imprint that is left on someone who has been so totally and absolutely beaten down and violated.  It does not end with Precious having solved all the problems she faces. Rather, it ends with her decision to take her life, and the lives of her children, out of the situation they have lived in. The strength that is required to do that is enormous. But we are shown that she has the strength to do that--and thus we can imagine and hope she will be able to continue to move forward. I loved that the public employees are depicted as caring and tireless in their efforts to open doors for abused kids.  And, equally important is the fact that they can not do anything to help these children unless the kids open the doors themselves.  Add to the powerful story outstanding acting and it is is clear why this won so many awards.

MJC Says:  hard to watch, which is a tribute to the actors who presented a potentially sentimental story with enough grit and reality to stop the maudlin and invoke the hope

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