Director: Sam Mendes
Awards: nominated for Academy awards; BAFTA, Golden Globes, no wins
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio; Kate Winslet; Kathy Bates
IMDB Link: Revolutionary Road
sez says: The 1950s is ripe for exploration and understanding and this story takes up that challenge. I am not convinced that a life of secure jobs and material prosperity made everyone miserable. This story suggests that men and women may not have been on the same page; she wants to cut loose all ties to the stifling life she leads in the suburbs; he professes to be a bohemian but his actions demonstrate that he is not willing to give up his happy little niche in the culture and the economy. Well done all around.
mjc says: once again I seem to be taken by the photography and production design. DiCaprio and Winslet are excellent in that they populate the scenes with believable people. But were such people really having these struggles in those days? I guess it is as mysterious to me as my parents who were approximate contemporaries of the characters in the movie.
15 years ago
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