Director: Guy Richie
Awards -- nominated for a Golden Globe
Starring: Robert Downey Ju., Jude Law; Rachel McAdams
IMDB Link:
Sherlock Holmes

sez says-- a remix of the old story on speed. The story and the characters are all revved up--with lots of Kung Fu Fighting and extra personal twitches for the characters. Holmes is a madman, driven to diversion by his talent (what if you couldn't NOT notice every detail around you); by his jealousy of Watson's fiance (with fabulous repartee between Holmes and Watson) and his own passion for a woman who has outsmarted him in the past. Mix all of this up with a great script and flawless acting and you've got some fun to be had....unless you are, like myself, not so fond of violence. This movie goes at a break neck pace and someone is hitting, or stomping, or cutting, or burning or otherwise hurting someone else in nearly every scene. At the end Holmes recites how the bad guy did what he did--but by that time you don't much care. The bad guy is caught and you are exhausted by all the running around. Also, the production design is immaculate--but its beauty got lost by it all being too much the same colors and lighting. Too bad it didn't have some sets that would have provided some contract to the browns and rust and dust colors that dominated most every scene. The beauty of all the detailed props get lost in the sameness of every set. The scenes on the river were gorgeous (where they moved into blue-gray tones) And the ending looked a lot like Tim Burton designed it. But otherwise the sewers looked too much like the warehouse, that looked too much like the shipyard that looked too much like Holmes' office--all because the tones and colors seldom changed. The costuming was also outstanding--I loved Holmes stealing Watson's clothing--but you gotta see the movie to understand that part.
mjc says: this was a fabulous romp with a twinkle and twitch in Downey's eye letting us know it is all in fun. I can't wait for the sequels.
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